(702) 877-4237

(702) 8-SPICES

Store Hours:
Monday - Saturday 10AM to 7PM
Sunday 11AM to 5PM

(702) 877-4237

(702) 8-SPICES

Store Hours:
Monday - Saturday 10AM to 7PM
Sunday 11AM to 5PM

Irish One Pan Chicken

irish one pan chicken
Irish One Pan Chicken
irish one pan chicken plate
Irish One Pan Chicken Plate

Irish One Pan Chicken

Irish One Pan Chicken is a very traditional Irish dinner. Around St. Patrick’s Day, families will make it for those who might want an alternative to Corned Beef. Or make them both. The flavors of the chicken, cabbage and potatoes with the bacon added, combine with the spices and herbs for a very savory dish.

Our Irish Chicken Seasoning gives the chicken and potatoes a wonderful, savory flavor. The combination of the thyme, along with Spanish Sweet paprika and the other spices is a very simple blend, but still very savory.

Serves 4

1 Whole Chicken – Cut into 8 or 10 Pieces
½ Large Head of Cabbage, rough chopped
1 Medium Onion, Thinly Sliced
4 Potatoes, Sliced
4 Slices Thick Bacon, cut into 1″ pieces. (Or use 3 to 4 tablespoons of olive oil to brown the chicken if you don’t want to use the bacon.)
½ Cup Water
3 Tablespoons Sheffield’s Irish Chicken Seasoning
Spanish Sweet Paprika for garnish

Preheat oven to 375F. Set the rack so the pan will positioned in the middle of the oven.

Sprinkle the Irish Chicken Seasoning on all sides of the chicken pieces. Rub in and set aside.

In a large pan, like a Dutch Oven, cook the bacon over medium-high heat until the fat has rendered off but not be overcooked and crispy. When cooked, transfer to a plate lined with a paper towel. Depending on how much bacon fat you have in the pan, leave about 3 to 4 tablespoons in the pan and drain the rest off. If you don’t have enough, add a bit more olive oil or canola oil. Add the chicken pieces and brown well on both sides, about 3 to 5 minutes per side. Don’t burn, but you need a nice dark golden brown for the flavor. When browned, transfer to a plate and set aside.

Add the cabbage to the pan. Stir to combine with the remaining bacon fat. Add the ½ cup of water and stir again. Cook for 2 minutes. Add the sliced onions and potatoes. Stir again to combine and cook another minute. Remove from the heat.

Chop the bacon a bit into smaller pieces. Sprinkle over the cabbage mixture.

Arrange the chicken pieces on top of cabbage mixture, and nestle in a bit. Cover the pan and place in the oven and cook for 45 minutes. The internal temperature should read at least 165F.

Remove and serve immediately. Sprinkle a bit more Spanish Sweet Paprika on the chicken to add a bit more color. With the chicken, cabbage, and potatoes, you have a complete meal. Enjoy.